Sunday, March 28, 2010
i always wanted to go brisbane with him to share his happy times there. But now... i changed my mind!! I DUN WISH TO STEP INTO THAT PLACE!!!! NO AUSSIE!!! NO WAY!!

Maybe for now...


Saturday, March 27, 2010
U guys made my life worthwhile :)
My family...
My elder bro, he is my everything when it comes to problem and cropped ups. I am not kidding or being mean. He is my well-known technician, butler, repairman, IT technician, houseman, runner.... practically anything everything under the sky. A brother u can ever ask for! :D

My lil bro, he is our family "jiao ou"! I consider him good, thou never contribute much but also never give much problem.. lol!! He is useful during emergency and is really emergency basis only! hhahaaa

My mum... she is still the greatest after minus away all the negatives. LOL!

My popo... i miss her sooooooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!

My dad.... i miss the good old days..... =)

For my frens....

I got to know new frens in sch, i think i should be alil more friendly towards them. =x My sec senior, Benny!! A very nice guy, met him a few times in suntec area. Met him again on the bus on the way home few days ago. Is nice talking to him :) and he gave me a lift thru and fro sch!!! Is really nice of him. I always tell myself that if im driving, i will offer a ride to those who don't mind alighting along the way. I mean it! :) He is nice like me!! heh...

I always feel so bad towards my khakis.... i have abandoned them! =/ He always came down to suntec specially to lunch with me, listen to my complaints thou recently he rebel and avoid my grumbles... *sigh*. Still i appreciate everything from him! For her, i have been really really bad for not asking her out and stuff, and she gave in to me! im touched and guilty! Going to plan another outing with her, i promise :) I appreciate her for accepting the ignorant me.

For the gals, They noe i love them!!! I really do! thou i really cant take their nonsense sometimes, which can really irritates me!!! but still i love them :)

Krys and Angel for taking my nonsense... my nagging... and grumbling! Thank you for everything! and the presents from every of their trips!! wheeee!
Hui and yz, thank you for coming back to me, believe in me and help mi so much! all the extended help that sometimes made me so small! Thank you for the over-whelming love!

For my one and only extraordinary boy, thank you for your patience in helping on my sch work, my interpersonal problem, the advices (thou not all went into my brain =x), my fashion advisor, the forgiveness to my stubboness and my harsh attitude. I love you!

Friday, March 26, 2010
Is this how human works?
Is this how human works?

like you knew what is going to happen next, but you still decided to place your foot in the hole when you know that u will sure fall into it..? or maybe this is how i work!

I am confident in myself sometimes, but feeling so small and insignificant the next moment. Does human constantly in need of praises in order to produce a better work? If so, how do you know you will not get out of the limit that things go haywire??

Having the external beauty and lack of the internal beauty, I think is equally bad.

Inspiration has to come before i can begin on anything. Like all the gifts i made. The ideas, designs, presentations, words are all from me. I have never ever did this to anyone, consecutive months. It is not easy to have new ideas every month fyi, esp for the lazy me. So i believe that it all comes from love!

That's what i have to say for today, It's so random!
Have a nice weekends :D

Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Came across this cafe, it looks cool! Anyone been before?

Everything with fries

Food: burger, fries, western

458 Joo Chiat road
T: 63455034
Opening hours: 12pm to 10 pm

40 Lorong Mambong
T: 64633741
Opening hours:
Sun, Tue-thur: 12pm to 11pm
Fri - Sat: 12pm to 1am



Friday, March 5, 2010
dun understand how pple works....
I don't understand how pple works....

Being a neutral position, as a messanger, but in actual fact, that not the truth!
Being quiet is being a loser?
Tok to pple pls look at them. Is rude not to do so!! (did i start this behaviour first?)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010
I wan....
A 3 tier-cake for my wedding dinner!
Own house!
Own wardrobe!

I guess this is all the ladies ever wish for.... same goes to me *wink*

Being skeptical
Being skeptical about pilots, i mean those air force regular. They got married early, go out club, drink everynite, hook up with gals, having affairs, eventually leads to divorce early! Well, not all. But that's what i heard =/

For Pilot, they fly commercial flights, leave for long flights, earning big bucks like 10k to 20k,
Wife stays at home alone with their kids and in-law. But we need loves, care and concern, not money!! Don't u think so? Maybe im too negative about this. =X

Hello, my name is Zz! I'm always 16 years old flowing with the common bloodtype.
Female, 153cm (sometimes 154 cm) in height and 37.8kg in weight.

Music code here


i'VE got this
i WANT this

What you hate



Designer: OrnateLove
Codings: inkSPLASH
Picture: Deviantart/korny-pnk
Software: Photoshop Elements 2.0