Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Invitation done!
Our invitation cards are on printing process! We will get it by next Monday. I'm so excited to see the real product! ;DDDD
Monday, November 28, 2011
Day 2
I miss you...
Invitation payment settled! Phew!
Finally settled the payment for our wedding invitation. We will get it by next money. Hopefully it turns out good. Cheers!
I'm so tired!
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Moved back home
I have packed my stuffs home. Going back my home to stay till my wedding date. Carrying big n small bags, looks like 离家出走!
It always feel good at home! *grinz*
Sudden cold attack
Had a sudden cold attack on last midnight, stomach was super hungry. Is like going to faint anytime. Husband quickly cooked a bowl of yummy Maggie mee for me. Lovesss!
Friday, November 25, 2011
Tired but contented!
Sometimes I m tired of the wedding preparation. Having to do this and that, accommodate Who and who. But on another side, I feel fortunate and happy to walk down the aisle with him. He is always here with me. ;)
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Tired so tired
Just knocked off at 10 today. I'm god damn tired. I hate my work!
Sunday, November 20, 2011
The international night, the Mexican us!
It's all about peaktures!
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
it's almost time for first paper for this sem. YAWN!!!!
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
I got into an accident last night. Totally my fault! I think I'm horrible. Thank god that no one is injured. Both cars were not badly damaged. Oh maybe his car is not as good as mine. Causing inconvenience to the uncle. He took leave for 3 days coz he can't work without a car. He is really nice! He just wanted to get his back to the same shape. Everything is fine. Really feeling bad. But most importantly, my pocket got fired.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
It's time for sch!!!!
Just pictures....
I'm back in action!
I'm finally back with Siri! Yesh, after so long, u got my iPhone 4s! Just downloaded my apps and start to blog. Teehee!
What is nice about this new blogger apps is I have no trouble loading photos anymore. Weeetz!!
I'm starting to blog again!!!!
It's mugging time...