Thursday, June 23, 2011
Pre-Wedding photoshoot updates
Our wedding shoot is getting nearer, less than 2 weeks. We are so nervous! But we are still short of one venue!!! omg! I am going down to town to get my wedding shoes at Tang this Friday. There are still a few things that we have not get it.

My Wedding shoes - Tangs on Friday
Bubbles bottle - Anywhere
Umbrella - Yz
Helim balloon - Still deciding
Awfully Choco Cake - Raffles shopping centre
Picnic Basket - Still finding
Picnic cloth - Still deciding
Champagne glasses - Home
Sparkling juice - Ntuc

I think should be all. hehe!

After photoshoot will be time to settle more headache issues for our wedding dinner. I dont dare to think about it now. Leave it first!


Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Now is about work...
Work hasnt been good in any ways this year. My workload has increased double but our boss think we are wonderwoman. I have no time to surf or chat anymore =/

Nowadays i followed hus to work together, reaching office at 8am everyday. Read newspaper and started working as soon as i finish the paper. Working non stop till 6pm. I aim to go home early everyday. I am too tired and exhausted to do anything. Basically my lifestyle now is My company is really good in squeezing dry my energy. TV is my only brain-relaxing moment now.


Monday, June 20, 2011
I'm backkkkk
After so so long, finally i managed to access to photobucket to upload my photos. It's going to be a long entry today, so bear with a little :)

The top good news to announce is that i got my house! In Tampines! It was our ideally location. And pz got it too! We are going to be neighbours!!! hahahaa... so excited! I also heard other friends got it and they got good number. But well, I think we are fine with lower storey (thou still keeping my fingers crossed =X).

We actually bidded in the previous BTO launch in Ponggol, Waterway Terrance II. We got a number, 611 out of 246 units. Kind of happy coz this wasnt what we wanted.

Our second bid for Tampines, Greenleaf BTO. WE GOT IT!!! Not good queue number but at least we got it! (consolling myself..)

Beside us was the DBSS launch on Friday. It was way too expensive for us for the extra balcony. We went to take a look at their showrooms, i feel so much better coz my flat will be bigger then theirs! =))))

My future house will be surrounded be EC, DBSS and new MRT station within walkin distance. Totally love it! We are both excited for our new house to come in 3 years time.

Few weeks ago, Hus and me went for a nice date in Pan pacific Hotel for a nice buffet dinner. I got a $50 of voucher from my colleague in Global kitchen. The food was awesome!. It was the 3rd time there and their food was delicious this time. Maybe because my last 2 visits were during weekdays. It is definately worth going back again on weekends.


Dinner with my family on a random Thursday. It was coincidently that both my aunt and mum came to my workplace on the same day unknownly. Since i was the contact point here, both called me for dinner. hahhaa! We went dinner in MOF and Gelare for desserts plus a little shopping.

While mum was doing shopping, my aunt and cousin were busy with our childhood Photos in my aunt pursue. Aren't we cute? ok, i a little too old in this group... lol!

Random photo took when we were at my ah gong's house. Hus and his favourite cousin-in-law

Last but not the least, my wedding preparations updates:
We attended our hotel's wedding show. We saw hus's ex-colleague there too. My first and only wedding show, our deposit was paid. Hotel CONFIRMED!



We are having our photoshoot very soon in July. We went down for our gown selection in our bridal studio a few weeks ago. The gown and suit selection was 6 hours OMG! I am very satisfied with my gown. At first, our coordinator, Jenny took out a few pieces of gown to let me try. Not very ideal. I kept requesting for more, she finally brought out nicer gowns for me to try. I love it! Hus suit was normal, but he looks very good in white suit.

Hus and me have discussed about our photoshoot ideas and came to a conclusion. So these few weeks we have been crazily chiong-ing town for our shoes and props. Luckily i have pf, my PA for my big day. hee!

We met up with our photographer and videographer but not yet decided on it. Still selecting an good and cheap services.

We also have our hair dyed for our photoshoot. Hus was pretty daring to try something different and the outcome was no good. His hair was orange gold after washing it twice. The hair colour in the photos were not very obvious.

With or without?

We went back to colour his hair to a natural colour the next day. Mine was normal, it was dark brown. A safe colour ;)

I am so tired now.... *yawn*

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Friday, June 3, 2011
I'm so lazy to blog now . I have no time to blog now. My workload has increased and my office firewall is power, I can't access to photobucket. No photo = no feel to blog...

Anyway, I finished my exam 1 wk ago. I'm enjoying my life now before the reality of my result slapped on my face in 1 month time.

Took leave yesterday for settle our wedding photoshoot stuff and our outfit at My Dream Wedding. I simply love my gowns and hus love his white outfit which I totally love it too. Hahaha... We have also more or less decided our photoshoot locations. Weetz! Will be meeting the photographer to finalise all the details this month end. Rushed down to meet Mirage Production for their photography and videography services. For the price they quoted, is pretty attractive. Lol. Going to research more. Hee!

posted from Bloggeroid


Hello, my name is Zz! I'm always 16 years old flowing with the common bloodtype.
Female, 153cm (sometimes 154 cm) in height and 37.8kg in weight.

Music code here


i'VE got this
i WANT this

What you hate



Designer: OrnateLove
Codings: inkSPLASH
Picture: Deviantart/korny-pnk
Software: Photoshop Elements 2.0