Monday, January 31, 2011
Can u stop raining?
It's 3 days to cny. It's raining for 3 full days. The rain nearly killed us.
Yesterday was spring cleaning day. My mum got 4 workers (China + Bangla) to help us. 2 workers for my house to springclean and 2 workers for hus's house to paint the living room and our bedroom. We had 1 china and 1 bangla worker at our side from 10.30am. Painting the house is no joke, painting in rainy days was horrible, having 1 china worker was headache. Luckily i have experience in handling these workers on the past spring cleaning in my house, thou i am only the co-supervisor lol. Hus was too lenient towards them until the China worker started his nonsense at 3.30pm. In the end, the China worker left at 5pm while the Bangla continues. The Bangla worker was hardworking, very detailed too. Until he got real tired, his painting was kind of "close one eyes". We understand too coz he did almost all the painting (2 layers) while the china man slacked. -.- He left at 8.30pm with an angbao from us and a bag of clothes. The china man left with empty handed. We wrapped up everything around 12mn. *Phew* Finally we made it! Hus and my in-laws were very pleased with the result. We changed the wall colour in our room too. What a sweet little room. hahahaa.
Spring cleaning is almost done. More touch up tonight in moving back all the funitures and cleaning the windows. For cny goodies, I bought bak kwa for both my families and yummy home-made pineapple tarts from my auntie. Now i am left with my cny clothes. I got nothing from friday shopping thou i bought a few dresses last minute online via normal postage. It's kind of risky that the clothes might not reach me on time. We shall see how....
Threading tonight and renion dinner starts tomorrow!
Presenting my cute lil cousin....

Friday, January 28, 2011
schedule planned from today onwards
It finally Friday again!!! Have planned my schedule from today onwards.
Today: Shopping for cny clothes
Sat: Spring cleaning at home pt 1
Sun: Spring cleaning at home pt 2
Mon: Eyebrow threading
Tue: Reunion dinner at granny's house
Wed: Half day work, Lunch at granny's house, Dinner at Tam Kah restaurant with my family and in-laws
Thur: It's CNY!!!
Fully packed. hahahha!! Im so excited, arent you?
Anyway, I attended my first lesson for this year ytd. Was a boring class -.- and i bought the wrong gong cha to sch. I ordered the fresh milk w herbal jelly instead of milk tea w herbal jelly. If u like milk tea and herbal jelly, go try their milk tea w herbal jelly. DO NOT mistaken fresh milk w herbal jelly as the milk tea w herbal jelly. It sux esp for me who hates milk.
Tt's all for now :) Have a nice weekends!
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Self-declared long weekends
I am so lazy to update here thou i have so much to say. Mainly becoz i have no photos to upload! :(
Anyway here's my last weekends...
Met up with the lil prince, Elliot and Mummy Deb at PP with Yz before we headed down to town to meet the girls on Sat. Lil Ell is suuuuuper duper adorable. He cuddles, he smiles, he listens, he baby talks, he claps, he clasps his hands to "gong xi gong xi". He's way too charming!! I can see that yz cant bear to leave him at all. hahahaa...
Downtown to meet the ladies who were already started their shopping. Shops by shops, one by one they raided most of the shops. It's time for dinner at Coca. We had a private room for ourselves, 8 ladies. We chatted, gossiped, laughed. It was fun! After the dinner we continued with our shopping at Editors Market in Cine. Our last shopping there were crazy, but this time i bought only 1 bracelet. The clothes were too big for me. :( Shopped till late night and we headed down to Bedok Pt for our dessert and we continue with the gossiping until 2am. hahahah!! Seeing all the stoned faces, we have to admit that we are old. On the other hand, hus was enjoying his time with the guys too. We both went separately that day. It was actually quite fun to have one or twice such individual days. ;)
Sunday was haircut day. Bcoz hus went gaming on friday night and Sat night, giving me the full permission to the whole bed, he made the effort to bring me for lunch before our haircut. Just us, hee! The guys joined us later for the haircut. After that we went PP to shop. It's still just us. A nice Sunday with him.
Monday and Tuesday were like my leave days too, coz i was on company course. Basically, I was there to eat and eat and eat for the 2 full days. Shiok! Meet up with hus and his colleagues on Monday to get our camera. YES! We got LX 5 finalyy! At the 2nd cheapest price with 8gb memory card, 1x batt, hard casing and most importantly an original vintage leather Panasonic casing which we have not yet collected.

The camera casing is lovely!!! I have yet to explore the camera, but hus did! We are trying different shots with different function. It's my Xmas pressie from hus actually. :D It will be our new toys for this CNY!!!
Anyway Tuesday after my course, i raced down to Chinatown for the famous BAK KWA from Lin Zhi Yuan with lyn!! haahhaa.... All the pork slices were sold out. So i bought 2 sets of coin bak kwa and loose bak kwa for my family and in-laws. They are still as yummy!
Credit to PearllynLabels: Weekends
Friday, January 21, 2011
I cant stop smiling now!
I cant stop smiling now! hahaha!! My Colleague just bought me Gong Cha, Grass Jelly Milk Tea. So Happy! It brighten my friday. The milk tea taste so sweet, yummy and slurp! I am just too happy now. I wish i have my Iphone with me to take a shot of the Milk Tea.LOL! Thanks sweet Colleague ;)
investigation on my case
The Citibank officer just called me regarding their investigation on my case. They will try to do it as painless as possible for me to get me a new card. Weetz! Meaning one more card for me to swipe. Shit.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
There was an indian guy holding a A4 size laminated card and a A5 license card with his barang barang at suntec basement. I was on my way back yesterday and he stopped my path. I slowed down my steps while listening to him and eventually stop when he claimed that he is an ex-convict trying to earn some commission by selling the keychains and neckbands. The sentence "2nd chances" rushed to my head. Yea, they deserve a 2nd chance. I tried to stop him but he still managed to soften me. And yes, i bought the keychain that i may not use it anytime at $10. Be it a scam or not, i tried my best to help. Skip 3 lunches and i will get back my $10 :)
I went to take a cab home. This is the most unenjoyable cab ride that i nearly tell the uncle to let me alight just after i got up the cab. I told the uncle the address that i want to go. I am not very sure the exact street name (thou i mentioned the correct address), so when the uncle asked me is it at XXX there, i told him yes, is about there.
He replied:That is Ave, not Street.
I:is it? im not very sure on the road sign.
He: It is Ave la. You dont know still keep saying Street. It is Ave. I stayed around there too.
I: Then is Ave loh. I said i am not very sure what.
He: Not very sure u still say Street? There is no then. It is Ave.
I was totally pissed! And he kept yakking away, telling me about the nice food around there, acting as if he knows alot. -.- The best thing is he missed the expressway exit and got to Defu lane -.- He was malu and panic looking for road signs to return. Thou i know the route, but he drove to small road that was pretty dangerous. I massage hus to call me for awhile. He immediately called and i started acting. lol! Telling him that im coming home soon, my location and how long i will reach home incase anything goes wrong. Hus sensed something wrong, he listened to me and ask me to sms him. Hus called the second time, our conversation made the uncle panic more. lol... In the end, uncle under-charged me for the cab fare. It was pissed but funny journey! hahhaha! I have to say that sometimes I tried my very best to ignore him during the journey than pick a fight, knowing that it is not easy to earn in this industry. But some uncles just like to test his passengers limit. -.-
Lastly, I just called Citibank to reinstate my credit card that they have mistakenly cancelled away. I refused to reapply again and lut told me they can do it (in the most troublesome and longest way). So i made them do it! hahahaa! They are investigating now :)
Labels: Ranting
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
LX5 or G12?


Have been really headache on which camera to get recently. We did so much research but still cant decide. lol! Anyway, we will get it before this CNY. HORRRRAY!
A last minute arranged dinner with the guys in a Thai ala carte buffet @ Siam Kitchen, Suntec on Friday. There were many varieties of thai food at only 18.90++/Pax. Hus has been pestering me for the whole week to try the food there, but becoz i wasnt feeling very well, it will be a waste to bring me there. It's different for the guys, they really can eat. hahaha! The food were pretty good. However, the service were horribly slow. The managers seems like they cant care much for their customers. Went home after that while the rest continued their JB petrol trip. We had movie before bed. Shiok!
Saturday was relaxing, finished my housework, lunch at Bedok Res hawker for the well-known yummy chicken rice, Jalan Kayu to buy stuff for his fishes and tuition for the rascals. The kids bug me to bring them to hus's house. They wanted to visit the fishes, PS3 and his transformer toys. So i brought them over after the tuition. Aloyius was totally thrilled to see the old version transformer. While the boys were playing with the toys, the girls here were enjoying the Guitar Hero. We set off to airport to send RX off to New York after that. The kids love him so much.
Sunday was nice. Went down to The cathay for a movie, The Ghost Must Be Crazy, coz he wanted to watch it. Movie was not that bad afterall and most importantly, the seats were so comfy. hahaahaa! Dinner with in-laws and home sweet home.
Took leave on Monday. Sent him to work and return home to do nothing. lol! Waited him to come back in the afternoon then we headed down to PS for another movie, Hello Stranger. It is a Thai comedy show. *THUMBS UP* Is so funny and the actress,Nuengtida Sopon is pretty!

Had buffet at Pomo Jap restaurant at $31.90+/pax. We were attracted to the unlimited serving of snow crab. We ate way too much. hahaha! So bloated that i can fast for the next 2 days. The food were average i should say. Those dishes that were nice, they were really yummy and fresh. Selected of them were terrible actually. After our bloated dinner, we went giant with the folks for cny shopping!! hehe!!
That's my weekends for the week.
I am searching for cny clothes!!!!!!!!! 2 weeks more to cny OMG!!!!
Friday, January 14, 2011
lovely breakfast
We woke up late in the morning today, dragged ourselves out of the bed, took our own sweet time to prepare, slowly walked to the bus stop for bus and then i said: " Let's go Mac for breakfast! Let's go your work place for breakfast! Let's go TP for breakfast!" So.... we went TP for our breakfast! :)) I cheap lovely breakfast really cheer us up thou we were late for work. hahahaha!!
P/S: no photos for this period of time, coz no iphone :(
Anyway, met up with hus for dinner ytd after his meeting. I was having my bad flu so i was pretty drowsy. We took a very long time to decide on our dinner, maybe i should say he took the longest time to decide like always and we finally decided at Pu tien in MS. After our dinner, We went to different ATM to cash some money. When i returned, i saw him at a chocolate gift shop. hehehe!!

It's for meeeee!!! Thou I caught him buying, isnt he sweet??
Labels: love
Thursday, January 13, 2011
He's back !
He's back he's back he's back from the big blue sea!!! lol! I miss him so much. I am suddenly awake! hahahaha....
*sniff sniff*
Case closed!
Recently, I reorganise the info and data. I am slow at it. I cant relate the possible reason at first, but slowly i will get a whole picture.
After going through again and again, thinking through again and again, i finally got the whole idea. Why had some tried to stop, why had some called me that. The reason is that the shit was not cleaned thoroughly and so it became a mess when people started coming in to contribute a piece. I am not the person who created this mess but why am I in the worse shit. Coz, there is
no fairness in this world. You won bcoz u look pitiful, you won bcoz u are prettier, you won bcoz u came before me. And so you are the winner! Congrats winner, u won in your teritory, Not mine!
Scar will always be a scar. For once i felt anxious and helpless. I hate it!
Labels: Ranting
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Random thoughts
I want a speech on my wedding day,
I wish that the conflicts during preparation of customary will reduced to zero,
I hope that i can handle my future child well,
What will you plan for your wedding march in?
Will u get someone dearly to walk me down the asle?
I still have the strong affection while looking through our past photos.
Random thoughts just rush through my brain today. Nothing much.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
3rd day without my iphone
It's Tuesday, the 3rd day without my iphone. I wonder how is she now. In secondhand shop? Still in that asshole hand? I went to make a police report on this case, hopefully the police can help to nab that asshole and give me back my phone. I really pray hard for this, looking at the very bright side of life. All the massages sent to the asshole after i lost my phone were bounced back to me, meaning he haven on the phone at all ever since he off it. Seems weird. He sure have to crack my passcode. I am praying for the best. Haiz!
Found my iphone wallpaper in hus phone which i have forwarded to him earlier. I miss my phone.

And also this photo, i love it.

Anyway hus went sailing today for 3D2N in SouthChina sea. Thou is as short as 2 nights, I am gonna miss him so darn much!
I am missing him already~~
Monday, January 10, 2011
Just went JB on sat to visit my grandma. Took a few photos of her. Planning to post it here, now is all gone! Thou is only 4 photos, IT'S PRECIOUS! I really hate the person who stole my hp. THERE IS NO KIND PERSON IN THIS WORLD!!! I HATE HIM/SHE OR WHOEVER!!!
At least, i got hus with me. No scolding at all. =) If not i will cry...
That's what he said too, "the best thing that i did is not to scold you." Precisely! no point scolding. It's over.
Looking at the brightside, maybe this loss compensated our safety in JB on Sat.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Bad news
He just broke the news to me. He was wanted in Israel on 14/02 this year. Yep! You did not see wrongly, It's valentine's! Well well well, it's work related trip. What's more can i say? But it's really a bad news for me. It not about the special day, it's that he will not be around!
OK! Is about V day without him. Is not that we will go anyweher since it's a Monday, but i am just not used to not having him around.
Mood: Extremely down

Credit Bitter Stickgal ""
Monday, January 3, 2011
Baby shower on 02.01.11
It's my first baby shower i attended this year on 02.01.11. Lunch at Holiday Atrium. What a nice start with the little Mathias's smile and smell! hahahah!! He is so adorable!!

Went to town for a little walk and back home to ZZzzz!!
Labels: Baby shower
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Pyjamas party in NYE

Yes! It's our first ever theme party! Angel was the host for this event. Wh is the coordinator on the hotel booking and the distribution of job. As i have mentioned earlier, everyone has to prepare a dish, but pz prepared 3 dishes. wooho!! Pasta by Pz was yummy, Angel's jap dish (i dont know what is it call =X) is nice too! My chicken Katsu is a lil disappointing, but still, it was almost wipe out! :D
Had a icy crazy night there. All slept about 3+....

Dinner ready!!!!

Time for a swim...

Our PJ!!!

After a mad giddy night, i woke up at 9am to rush back home. Got myself prepared and there we go for hus's uni malay friend's engagement party. It was an eye-opening ceremony. Pretty nervous coz it was my first time meeting the beautiful ladies.

We left shortly after the ceremony to go for the bridal fair. Kind of scared by the bridal fair promoters. They were too persistent. Thou we have a bridal shop in mind, we still prefer to go down to their shop to get more details. Lastly, we headed down to meet the guys at Timbre for dinner. Guess what? I brought a dead log home. lol!
Labels: Engagement party, Occasion