Tuesday, November 30, 2010
The crazily busy 2 months
It feels so good to be care-free!!!

Had been totally crazily busy these two months. Preparations for our ROM at Sentosa, school assignments in October and revision, exam in November. Work and play balance, I took 3 full days to stay away from stress before i started mugging. And so, 26 November marked my freedom day! =)

Let me review these crazy two months....

ROM in Sentosa is a lovely and sweet one. We fully utilised our budget and made our once in a lifetime ROM a memorable one. The only regret is that i am too lazy to prepare our own marriage vow. It will be completed to our very own vow. Is alright, i will try to make it happen during our actual dinner! *grinz* Of course, our guests were the important people that made our ROM come true!

Exam Started on 15 November. No leaves for my revision. So I started my revision early. Revision during the weekends and after work. I think this is how working adult cope with their studies. We do not have the luxury to have the whole day to study. Before every of my papers, I woke up at 3am for my final minute revision before i leave for my exam. 4 papers and 1 down. I did my best! So i guess i am going to retake this paper again next semester.
Hate it! It's pulling my GPA down tremendously =( But well, it's all over, nothing to fret over it. I am just going to wait for my results, accept the fact and resit for it.




Fil had a successful operation on my last paper. He looks healthy now compared to his working days. I am finally relieved to see him staying at home to rest more. It's time for him to 想亲福.

It was Mil's birthday yesterday, we planned a mini feast at home. I bought sushi, hus ordered pizza, Bil bought fried chicken and birthday cake. Jess also brought her polaroid cam over. Mil was extremely happy! She received angbao from hus and a little hand pouch that she always wanted from me. The smile on her face tells me that, "hey, I worth it to carry the heavy sushi and to squeeze into the very packed bus that arrived only 30 mins later to my boarding bus stop" hahaha!!

So what's next? Planning my actual dinner!!! =DDDD I am now researching on our bridal photoshoot and to book the restaurant. WHEEEE!!!

More updates coming up!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010
present from hong kong !!!
Shawn bought the hk famous 恒香,小鳳餅 ;D

Thursday, November 18, 2010
Chinny in Sing
Some outdated post to share. Chinny was in Singapore last week for a few days. Met up with her on thurday for dinner and lunch on friday. Miss her so damn much! This little spoiled princess is someone that you can never get enough with. She is really fun!







Finally solved!
Finally i managed to find out the porblem that blogger cant get all my entries on air. I have added the "older post newer post" at the end of each pages so to publish all my entries. I am a genius!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010
First indian wedding
Went to my first indian colleague wedding at Landmark Village Hotel located at Bugis. The Indian restaurant is one of the popular one in Singapore. Indeed, the food is yummy! And the bride and the groom looks gorgeous!




Saturday, November 13, 2010
My first Indian wedding
I'm on my way to my colleague wedding at Golden landmark. Is my first Indian wedding! I'm so late ;(
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Thursday, November 11, 2010
Saved & Erased.
I have finally closed my friendster account after abandon it for so long. But before i click the buttom, i went through all my messages, comments, photos and also kaypo others. I found this:


This was how our story resume intentionlessly. Sweet memories!

So now, friendster account is closed. Sweet memories were saved. Unwanted memories were erased. Lets look forward!(i think i am really a tough lady =/)

Anyway, my status for this whole month:


Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Dental cost me a bomb
Went dental yesterday and cost me a bomb! 300 bucks for cleaning, polishing and 3 tooths filling. The dental, Crown Dental, is located some where in Tampines St 83. The dentist is a young cute chap. hahaha!! He is very polite and gentle. He is really good! He pointed out all the decay tooths and also show me how bad are the decays. The previous dentist told me that my tooth is fine, i am so angry! The objective of visiting the dental is to make sure that my tooths are healthy and to detect any problem early. Luckily Dr Lum JY spotted them. Going to go for another appointment early next year. ;) I have to also mention this, hus is so nice to insist of accompanying me to the dental and waited for like more than 1hr. He has his tooth fixed last week but he still insist. *.*

Thursday, November 4, 2010
Dear Uncle
Dear Uncle,

How are you up there? Been doing well? Have you been watching over the 2 kids? According to Mei mei, she is doing pretty well for her english this year. Maths is not as good but not that bad too. She has problem with her han yu ping yin. We can fixed it. Will check out Kor kor's result tonight.

Tonight is Ah yi's bday, have you forgot about it? We are all going to her house for a pizza feast later. We will have fun!! :)

I miss your lame joke actually...

Wednesday, November 3, 2010
2nd week of my married life
Now and then, colleagues will come up to me and ask: i heard that you got married! Congrats! So when is your customary wedding?
I: hmm... probably next or next next year.
Colleagues: Oh... so you got your house?
I: No... we failed the balloting.
Colleagues: oh ic! You are very young hor? Still studying right?

Hahaha.... these are some of the questions asked by my colleagues recently. I guess they should be thinking i am preggy without a tummy. But well, the typical reasons to get married is either they are pregnant or they have received their house keys. For me, none of these happened. Maybe the reasons that we got married so soon is that he is lazy to drive me home everyday. hahaha!!

Things are still the same just that the number of days staying over at his house increased. From 3 days to 6 days. I return to my house every sunday. Dinner everyday at his house. There is no in-law issue for now which is so good!

I have started my revision last night. I cannot take any little disputes for this critical period cause it will make me extreme cranky. I asked him whether mil will say me for not throwing rubbish. He told me to throw the rubbish first just in case but i did not. And when they come back, i told mil that i have not throw the rubbish becoz blah blah blah. She say she will do it and ask me to go on with my revision. I am totally guilty for even asking him that question earlier. i am guilty!!

Confession completed! =)

Monday, November 1, 2010
A stress-free weekend
My class photo on Wednesday lesson! We are the pioneer batch of Logistics Student.


After the final assignment for this semester ended last Thursday, I have been treating myself pretty well. haahaha!! I knocked off on time on Thursday to go home laze around. Keep my brain stress-free and rest early. Friday was totally awesome! I requested for a movie date, Life as you know it is. He agreed! I was so thrilled!!! Movie really makes me relax after so many stressful events going on earlier and that's y we chose a comedy. Although he have to return to work early in the morning next day, he was very spontaneous. I spotted him yawning a few times during the movie, he still endure to the end. I LOVE HIM TTM!

Saturday was easy for us, went to fetch him from work then to his Da yi's stall and dental appointment nearby. Sunday was an appreciation lunch treat for the guys for helping out on our ROM at international Seafood Restaurant at East Coast Park. The food was average except the per serving each abalone which was really yummy. We had a good laugh and catch up during the lunch. And full attendance! =D More brunch coming up!

Credit qy for the photo

SMS from Mr Liu this morning made me love him MORE! (despite our ongoing iphone Bejeweled that neglected me recently)


Hello, my name is Zz! I'm always 16 years old flowing with the common bloodtype.
Female, 153cm (sometimes 154 cm) in height and 37.8kg in weight.

Music code here


i'VE got this
i WANT this

What you hate



Designer: OrnateLove
Codings: inkSPLASH
Picture: Deviantart/korny-pnk
Software: Photoshop Elements 2.0