Tuesday, August 31, 2010
E-filling notice of marriage DONE!

Yep! We have finally finish our E-filling notice of marriage after dragging for so long. Got to go down personally for some administrative work to the centre on October.
We have also got the easiest way out to get our bottles. Nice and economy =))) Just finished the invitation designs, but he rejected it. He is gonna touch up more tonight. I need to get my dresssssss!!!! omg!
1 mth + 20 days to go!
Convocation + Prawning + MC
I am back from my sick leave today. I was caught with the all-time favourite 3 in 1 package, flu, sore throat and cough. I had 1 more extra actually, voiceless. Practically slept for the whole afternoon and night yesterday. hahahaa...
Attended my little bro's NAFA convocation at Singapore Conference Hall on Saturday. Finally he has graduated. Woke up so early in the morning, everyone just slept through the sunrise until i wake them up. A mad rush and we made it in time before the convocation starts. Cf came to join us too, with his smartest outfit. hahaa... Took lots of photos. Is sad that his gf, rx was unable to join us that day. She is one of the Best Graduate and graduated with Distinction of the year. She is now in USA pursuing her degree.
After the convocation, we went back to change and went out to meet the guys. Yk strike 4D, so we had a free dinner that night. So sweet of him. Went to prawning after that. We had whole hell of fun there. Many did not tried prawn before, and we kept extending the hrs. They had a good time that night!

We ended at 3am :)
p/s: Photos credited to my iphone 4!
Friday, August 27, 2010
Glass bottles
Rem i was saying about the glass bottle from Su zhou? I found a better bargain again! From our neighbour country! China is offering mi USD 10 for 24 bottles and USD 75 for the shipping fees while our neighbour country offers us RM 0.50 per bottle and we can do self-collection ourselves. HOhoho!! Dont you think this is the best option that we should get?
I am so excited now. Bcoz 1 less issue to bother now :)
Thursday, August 26, 2010
24 bottles for USD 10 @ 7kg (including packaging)
Awesome! The bottle is real cheap! but the shipping fees is not cheap at all. -.-
Next step, sourcing for cheapest ways to shipping the bottles here!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Screwed up Singtel
Received an sms yesterday evening, my iphone4 finally arrived!!! :D
But there are alot of disspointments i have against the so-called "best provider in Singapore"
1st is the vouchers issue. You may have heard that by hopping service provider, you will get a $100 to $200 vouchers when you sign up with them. But, for there is nothing for their existing customers in Singtel. They are focusing on there new customer's database instead of pleasing their existing customers. According to marketing theory, it is easier and more profitable to maintain old customer than attracting new customers. Seems like Singtel is not working this way!
2nd is still about the vouchers. I called in to request for the recontracting vouchers, the customer service personnel told me that i am eligible for a $50 vouchers for the phones hand set. I have reconfirm with for a few time whether i am able to buy the iphone 4 with the voucher, he confirmed with me again and again. However, the voucher only last for a month and the iphone 4 reservation takes 1 month, so i told the guy that i will call back again to request for the voucher after i place my order. 1 week later after i placed my order, another customer service lady served me and inform me that they are regret to inform me that the voucher are not applicable for iphone 4 handset. I was fuming! How can they take back their words? she asked me whether do i still need it, comeon, this voucher is of no use to me at all now. This is horrible!
3rd is the iphone collection. I have received an sms from Singtel that my iphone 4 is ready for collection. However, I have to proceed to the outlet to collect them by 25/08, if not, it will be released on 26/08. And guess the time that they messaged me yesterday? it is near 7pm. I just boarded my bus which cost me $2.40 once i tapped my card. I have to attend school today. How am i suppose to collect it? The best is, i called them early in the morning to tell them my schedule. They said that they will get back to me, a different lady called in the afternoon and say will get back to me again. It's 5.42pm now. I received no phone calls till now.
What kind of the service is this?
Singtel is not making my life any easier!
Maybe I should wait alittle longer to change to another service provider.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Our conversation today... Do u understand?
He: How’s it going?
Me: No good
He: What happen?
Me: I m u
He: T G!
U t s p p?
Me: A b b o…. h
U b a?
He: Lol! we are so funny! We can understand each other!
Indeed, we understand each other! hahahaa!
JB + MegaTex + 2 fat man + slurp awfully chocolate
Finally we managed to go JB for shopping on Sat. We shop, we eat, we massage! =D
Woke up pretty early on Sunday to accompany his mum for breakfast, then lunch shortly after at my granny's house and MegaTex sales @ Expo! Get to see my little cousin, Lucius. He has grown up! 1 more month to 3!
Went down to MegaTex for his dream soundbar. Still we did not get it. Phew! Meet up with the loving couple Tom and Jas @ Expo. We went to Two Fat Man @ East Coast Road for our dinner. Their western food is yummy at a very reasonable price but their tom yum is quite a dissapointment, not spicy at all. After that, we went for the famous Awfully Chocolate for our desserts, a dark chocolate cupcake + 1 scope of chocolate icecream = Love!
What a relaxing Sunday =p
On the side note, Our meet-the-parents session is fixed! *nervous*
Friday, August 20, 2010
Meet-His-Friends session
Tonight is the "Meet-His-Friends" session!!!
In 2 months time!
The sentosa contract is here, meaning the venue is confirmed. =D One less thing to worried for. Guestlist for my side is also almost up! Most of my relatives will be attending. weetz! We are searching for bottles now. Is exactly 2 months from now. Anticipating it!
Have been reading other's blog, heard about storys, i think i am one lucky girl. Coz i am anticipating my big day! We did not have big quarrel on the preparations till now. Only on the dates selection to accomodate my mum's feng shui. -.- But still, he gave in. heh! And maybe a few tantrum i threw in when he do not want to finalise the stuff. Everything is still ok.
Guestlist is up, invitation card is up, his outfit is up, venue is up, decoration ideas is up, im left with my dad! -.-
I am hoping that my dad and grandparents will be there on that day. Well, i think everything is fixed!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Motivation pls!
Pls give me motivation to finish the last question of this first assignment!!!!!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Reservation made
I have managed to place my order on IPhone 4 finally.
Counting down to 26 days =D
My weekends...
We tried the korean food in Suntec on last Friday, we were struggling whether to order the kim chi steamboat or the grill pork. In the end we choose the kim chi steamboat. Their korean appetizers were delicious but the steamboat was a disappointment. There is no korean famous rice cake!!! DISAPPOINTED!!

Had school on Sat and our recruit was back on Sunday. So went back home for dinner, things just cropped up anyhow. His brother forgot to bring his keys out, and my bro needs to go TM to get a new specs that is in black. So i dropped them at TM and rush back to his house for his brother. After that, I went back to fetch my bro, his face was as white as a piece of tissue. Fever at 38.9! Sent him to CGH AnE. Doctor said that is just normal fever and was given 2 days MC. We was back to Tekong ytd afternoon. :)
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Outdated post on 22/05!
Some of the outdated photos on my proposal day :)
The guys njoying the food thou they commented alittle salty.. haha
The bday boy

My diamond ring :DDDD If you are curious, it is 0.62 Carats (rare size) with 3 Execllence, Colour D.
We enjoying our food
The Couples...

Labels: Proposal
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
2 months and 9 days more...
2 months and 9 days more...
Let's check my check list:
Purpose: ROM Solemnisation
Date: 20th Oct 2010
Time: Evening, 6 pm
Venue: Sentosa Palawan Beach
Venue decoration:
*To be confirmed later* Ribbons, Rose Petals, Guestbook, etc
*Working on it*Invitation cards:
*Working on it* Wording, invitation wall pictures, Bottles
Rom e-filing:
*Doing this Weekend*JP: confirmed! Alex Tan Yan Boon
*Cf in-charged* Before and after Solemnisation
My dress:
*Not yet purchased* @ Far east
His outfit:
*Not yet purchased* *BOUGHT* @ Bugis
*updated on 14/08*Flower:
*To be confirmed later*Makeup artise: *Not hiring any*
Hair stylist: Kelvin
Buffet: confirmed!
Looks like alot of things are still not settled. =(
To to be settled in August:
- Guestlist
- Invitation cards
- Purchase Bottles
- E-filing
To to be settled in September:
- Both parents meetup
- Outfit
- Decoration ideas
- Hunt for Decoration materials
- Decide on Florist
- Music
- Confirm venue arrangement
To to be settled in October:
- A trip to ROM centre
- Collect ROM certificate
- Remind JP on the date again
I think should be all? hahahaa!!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Singapore National day long weekends
It's Singapore National day long weekends! Happy 45th Birthday Singapore!!
We were basically rotting at home for this long weekends, coz he was having cold. The guys were planning to go Genting and KL but were cancelled due to their schedules and the limited bus tickets. We stayed at home the whole day on Sat to pack his room and fix his new ikea shelves. We were so satisfied with our good buy at a very cheap price. Went to meet pf they all for dinner after that while he stay at home to rest. It was a fun catch up.
Both of us decided to go JB on Sunday for shopping, but was unsuccessful again coz he was still not feeling well. So he made an effort to wake up early in the morning on Sunday and pull me out of the bed. "Let's go for an Aussie breakfast!" haaahaa.. So sweet of him right? In the end, We went to ECP for a very early lunch at Youshimaru Ramen and a walk at the beach. Yum yum! Went back for the little ones tuition and get ready for the dinner with the guys. Full attendance! Oops! except Eug. After dinner, we went to changi village kopitiam for their soccer match. Then, an impromptu "self-happening" activity after that. It was kind of a challenge to yk. Since the rest were on, he have no choice but to follow. lol! Crazy till 4am.
Rotted at home on Monday again. I hate holidays that ended so fast!
Friday, August 6, 2010
Ring collected
Collected our ring :D
We decided to engrave the wordings later. Beautiful isn't it? The little diamond on our ring is Hearts and Arrows with the perfect cut, so is my proposal ring. :D

Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Was reading our msn msges 2 yrs ago. Was so funny!!
Managed to retrive some of the dates.
On 30/09/08 he gave me his number. On 30/09/08 we met for the 2nd time. On 30/09/08, we moved from msn chatting to sms-ing to dinner and supper. heh!
I still remember we first met on a Monday outside Azabu Sabo but none of us can remember the actual date. I was having lesson nearby. It was an impromptu meet up with wh to take a free ride home (so nice of her right?:)). It was a blue Monday but surprisingly i was in such a high spirit and agreed to meet her and friends after lesson. They were so fun people. I was entertained by cf for the whole night with laughter and tears. He is the one and only one who made me tear for laughter. He is indeed humourous! We became stranger again at the end of the night. :)
Labels: love
Always be in our heart forever
In all religions, they believe that children are God's gifts. Though i am not any of the believer, I have to really say yes to this. Since it is a gift from god, does it means that they can take it back at anytime as they want to? Saying about human beings who were evil, maybe god have the rights to take them back to help the world. But i heard and witnessed many of the innocent ones returning to them too. How about babies? There should be no ways that they can do any evil at their age and for god to judge them, they still returned back to where they came from. WHY?
A little brave knight has fought through his way to be with his parents. Going through a suffering of more than a year. Everybody were praying for him to live. His parents did not give up no matter how tough this is. He learned to sit,stand and speak in hospital. Till yesterday, he decided to give everyone a good break. This little soul has just parted after 14 months.
He will always be in our heart forever.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Jurong Bird Park
Work till very late on friday. Thought that we will be going to airport to send his fren off to Aussie for 4 yrs, but he has his company event. Coincidently, Mum came Suntec for her friends gathering and she is taking public with her friends home, so i got to use the car. weetz! Went to pick Cf from his company event, my dinner and early home sweet home. We received an impromptu free jurong bird park trip for 2 from Xz. It was like ages since i stepped in there. I remember i told myself that i will never never never step in to JBP again on my last trip. Is a waste of money compared to Zoo. But i am there again. =x
Woke up at 7.30am to prepare on Sat. Breakfast with the folks and here we go! We tried to catch as many shows and feeding timings as possible. The birds were really awesome, esp the penguins, so cuteeeee. It's worth a free trip. haha.
The blue blue sky for a bird park trip
Our arrival

The Toucan
See the 2 eagles sun tanning and chit chatting.. so funny!
The lovebirds, they were really loving!
Lunch at Bongo Burger!
Our last stop... PENGIUNS!!

We were god damn tired! Left at about 3pm. Went home to rest for awhile and i start to prepare to meet my secondary gang at Causarina for Zi cha. Guess what? I drove cf dad's car. =XXX I am too daring this time. But save taxi fares. heh! After the dinner, I went to fetch his parents at the stall. :)
Sunday was my family day. Meet up for dinner at the famous amos Thai food located at bedok with my family and my 2 aunties and kids. Is a farewell for my family last boy becoming a man. That's my little brother. We reached there at 4.45pm. Did not know that they have break times in the afternoon. Luckily we were there early anyway. If not, 13 pax is pretty difficult to look for seats. The food is nice, thou the Tom yam clear soup base is too spicy for me. The kids enjoyed themselves too. After the delicious dinner, my aunties suggested to go Mac to chill. So i suggested Tampines west CC Mac, it is Less crowded. Had a good laugh before we part.
Was on leave on Monday to sent my little brother off to Tekong. He is going to stay there for 2 full weeks although next Monday is a public holiday. Poor him. Went Ikea to purchase cf's tv bench and off to school.
What a busy busy busy weekend!
Oh ya! Our rings are ready for collection. Going tonight to check our goods and engrave words on our ring. We have decided to engrave.................. *secret* =D